Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Letters

We were too broke for Christmas cards our first year together, but last year we sent some out. My wife asked me to write it, so I threw something together.

My first draft was not serious. I expected her to say, " 'heads on pikes' has no place in a Christmas letter!" and hand it back for a rewrite...or give up and write it herself.

Instead, she loved it as is, and before I could ask what she thought, it had been mailed to a dozen or so friends and family.

As feedback poured in, there was a lot of outrage - that so and so got a copy but they didn't, and they'd BETTER be included this year.

Why? I assume because the family letter tradition has become, "here's why OUR family kicks YOUR family's ass." My family grew up laughing at letters like this, and fantasized about writing the anti-letter. When my turn came, I went with it.

Who knew? It worked. This year I'm screwed - how do you fake disinterest?

So I Iron Chef'ed it. One hour, one page, stop when the clock goes Ding.

Time will tell.


womanllee said...

All that buildup and no delivery?
fer Christmas sakes!

X_LA_Native said...

I'm in!
As I said earlier, lobbing "heads on pikes" and then running is just a sophisticated tease...
Or maybe not so sophisticated...

womanllee said... and Sulla should BOTH post your crazy Christmas Letters letters..of course with the names changed to protect the innocent...maybe there should be a special Crazy Christmas Letter thread over on the Wheel? I'm going over there right now to put the buzz in! I'm so excited! This will be fun!
Sulla, get right on that.

..or as soon as youve dosed real good on your caffiene.

womanllee said...

"I've always wanted to write and/or receive a Christmas letter like yours!"

Even Mari wants to do it.

Cthulhu said...

Yowsa. I guess there's interest after all.

Okay...I'll look for that letter.